As anyone from Russia is probably familiar with, this week we had the Last Bell (Последний Звонок) in school. Everyone came to school in their best and we celebrated the last day of school! Some girls were in the old Soviet uniform (an old tradition that is, sadly, fading away) and the guys all came in suits and we had a concert. Most of us cried at some point or another as everyone sang, gave speeches, read poetry, and thanked eachother for the many years they've spent together. I have to admit this was a heavy one for me too. I can't believe that not only has my junior year finished, my school year in Russia has too. As of today, I have officially one month left in Russia.
As anyone who's every done this would probably agree with, this is probably one of the hardest blogs I've had to write, because it's one of the last. I love my home here in Russia and I know that I'll never forget the things and people I've gotten the chance to meet, from my amazing host family to my school principle to my fellow AFSers. And much like I did at the half year point (that seems soo recently) I'm going to just make a quick list of some of the things that have happened since I've been here!
1. I've met some of the most amazing people in the world!
Inna Alyamshina is the amazingly brave woman that took me on as a host student, and I don't think I could ever thank her enough! Not only did she open her home to me, she's become truly like family.Along with her, Dinara, my host sister is so amazing! I love them so much and I just can't imagine living so far away!

My principle, Galina Vladislavovna, is also one of the smartest ladies I know. Not only is she the priciple of our school, she's an amazing teacher and completely fluent in English! There are several other teachers here that have been awesome, namely my history teacher Yevgeniy Nikolaivich and David Dalieravich.
And finally, my AFS friends. I just want to say that AFSers are probably the bravest and most foolhardy people on the planet. I now have some of the best friends from Thailand and other countries, and I'm amazed all the time by how awesome that is. They are such smart, crazy people!

2. I got to experience (and survive) a Russian winter!
I can say now that I will honestly miss the harsh winter. I don't know what I'll do next year! I watched a movie today that took place at New Years and I already miss it! Yes, there were many, many times when I could have done without having my eyelashes (and other things) freeze just from being on the street, and I know I can say that at the end of the Winter, you really are just ready to wear flip flops, see the sun, and not worry about scarves, hats, and gloves... But once a year would be nice. :))

3. I've learned to love public transport.
Okay, this is a love/hate relationship, but I do appreciate Yaroslavl's public transport. It's really pretty good, and it's gotten me around all year without too many problems.
4. Fallen in love all over again with history.
I've gotten to take a Russian history class this year, and in June I'll be taking an exam on the topic. And I am soo excited! It has been soo amazing to hear about Russian history from the Russian point of view, besides the fact the Yevgeniy Nikolaivich is an awesome teacher!! I love that guy.)))
5. Figured out that I really don't know what I want to be!
I thought I knew... I didn't. I have now narrowed down the possibilies to anything that has to do with history, and language. So... politics, proffesor, law, business... Yeah, I'll be trying that all out in college probably.
Beyond that, I've learned an amazing language, learned to love Russian food, and gotten very used to hearing English with an accent.
All that said, I still have a month left, and I plan to live it up! To Mishkin and to St Petersburg I go!
Wish me luck and see everyone in California sooner than seems possible,
From Russia,
With Love,