Monday, December 13, 2010

Things that make me Happy!

I've decided to put up a post just about the things that make me happy here... because it makes me happy, and maybe you'll find it interesting. ;D

1) I love that you can change words around in a sentence to make it sound better, in any way you want. Well, you might sound weird, but it's not grammatically incorrect.))
2) I love that Russian is such a pretty language and that I can speak it (mostly... well, usually)
3) I love that I thought that my teacher told the class to be late to school, and when I said as much, she said in English, "That's impossible!"
4) I love that I can't put my finger on the Russian accent... What does it sound like???
5) I love that we put sour cream in our soup
6) I love that the snow on the ground looks like a movie set when it's lit up at night. I swear that everyone just puts sparkles on the ground.
7) I think it's great that with my Thai friend, we speak Russian.
8)I love that I hear gunshots sometimes and freak out, and then realize that someone is setting off fireworks and I can watch them out the window.
9) I love my earmuffs and my gloves with the adorable poof on them and my new skinny jeans that look soo good
10) I love that I get to send postcards to people
11) I love that I understand songs and TV shows, even if I don't get all the words. Oh, and conversations. That's prolly important too. ;D
12) I love that when Putin's on the news his voice sounds so... normal.
13) I love that there's a Lenin statue in the center of town that I just found out is not in fact pointing to Moscow, but to COMMUNISM. Yes.
14) I love that seeing the Lenin statue is really normal, as well as all the onion top churches.
15) I love that Harry Potter is Gary Potter in Russian
16) I love that when I realize that it's only going to be -10 C, I am happy at how warm it's going to be
17) I love that I have so many things that I love
18) I love my host family, and I am so grateful that I live here in this town with them

I think I'll stop for now, just so that I don't drag on. Emily VanLoo, I completely stole this from you (although you didn't specifically set it aside as what you love) and reading your blog makes me feel better about being here. I am glad that everyone around the world is having a good time, and I am sorry for those of you that aren't. Please comment or just send me messages on facebook because I'd love to hear from anyone who is reading this!

I love you all, and miss you like crazy!

the girl who went to Russia,



  1. hehehe I love your blog! and i love that i'm mentioned XD it's all good, good to know i'm not the only one who wants to share everything they love about exchange!! glad to know things are going awesome, keep writing often =)

  2. I'll do my best!! I love reading your blog, I wish more people would write them--haha!
