So I realized that I completely forgot to talk about the anniversary celebration. I will be having dinner soon, so I will try and make this quick (I apologize if it is too short!). So, like I mentioned before, the city of Yaroslavl celebrated it's 1000 year anniversary. For the celebration, the city beautified the center of town, repainting and fixing up old buildings, repaving roads, and just generally making everything prettier.
The Volga embankment pathways has been redone and although I did not see it before, it is beautiful now! Also on
the embankment of the Volga, they built an entirely new pavilion with a large bear topiary type thing as well as three fountains which dance to music and light up at night. They also built a new monument reminiscent of a famous monument in St. Petersburg. Maybe you'll recognize it! I was able to walk around town with some friends on the weekend of the anniversary and it was crazy busy with tourists as well as locals. Also, we ran into a parade of marching bands, and that was cool (although we only caught the tail end of it). And finally there were fireworks right on the Volga, over the new pavilion. It was beautiful.
Anyways. I'm going to put up a bunch of pictures now:

The Pavilion:

The marching band:
Ploy and I at the fountains...
Completely random picture of our clothes hanging out to dry on the balcony. It's just really pretty (those are my pajamas... ;)

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