Ok. So, yes, I completely realize how long it's been since I put up anything, and I sincerely apologize. I have been soo busy!
So, straight into things! It has been verry multi-culti here in Yaroslavl the last couple of weeks! I'll start from the beginning. My sister, Dinara, decided to make sushi for me and her boyfriends and--wow! She is an amazing cook! She tries new recipes all the time, but I've got to admit, this is my fabourite. She only made one kind of roll, but it was delicious! Her boyfriend brought her large white day lillies and so we set them on the table and ate to candle light, the sweet smell of lillies, and pop music courtesy of Evropa Plus!

Although I did not realize it at the time, that was only the beginning of my totally multi-culti...ness. (I sounded very commercially, right up until that last bit, tehe ;) Around the same time, I started to take Thai lessons! Yes, I know how random that seems... But it sort of makes sense and here's why: my friend, Ploy (I think I put up a picture with her a post or two ago...) is from Thailand and as it turns out, my Russian teacher, David, is super into languages, specifically Thai. He had already started to learn with one or two

Part Three: The weekend before last, we finally had our full orientation (thanks AFS, only a month late ;) It was... interesting. I ended up being an hour late, because a friend of mine misunderstood the 24 hour clock here and told me 4 o'clock, instead of 14 o'clock. Which was peachy. Really. But it wasn't too bad. I made tacos that turned out surprisingly well and they were a total hit! They were eaten in like seconds (and I mean that actually kinda litterally--go me! ...and everyone who helped me while we were rushing to be at the school half an hour ago. Thanks guys!) Anyways. That's when things went even crazier, because I found out that it was not in fact the orientation on Saturday, but only our "international dinner" (that's why I made tacos, btw. Everyone else also made something from home-- very tasty!). We then stayed with one night "host families" which was fun, because I made new friends. I was completely unprepared, but it all turned out great. The girl I sta

The next day was the actual orientation where we learned about things like trips (Which by the way, I'll be spending my Autumn holiday by the Black Sea!!!) and other stuff that we had kinda figured out. But it was cool, because then we talked about all of our different little surprises that we've had from being here. It was really interesting, and funny, to hear what other people were surprised by here!
Finally, we all went to the center of Yaroslavl, on one of the little buses here, called Marshutkas and I swear, I would just die to know what the people on the bus must have thought was going on. Normally here, you only ever really hear Russian, and maybe you'll see a foriegner every once in a while (though I would imaging mostly only tourists in the summer). But we were like from all over the place, and we were speaking Thai, English, Italian, and German. Awesome. XDD
Part four: Okay. So then, we had our Teacher's Day here in Russia, something which is like a holiday at schools around the

So that's about all that's been going on about that. Now onto other things.
It snowed today!!!! Well... sort of. It kind of actually snow-rained. The snow didn't really hit the ground or anything, but it still looked really cool even though it is really cold now. I have to go get my winter coat asap! I already got my winter boots, and not only are they really really cute, but they are very warm! I have also begun to dawn warm tights beneath my jeans, and so that's cool, but the coat which I am wearing right now is not keeping me warm (having no hat or gloves probably doesn't help either...). But I'll prolly do that after school tomorrow, since I need it asap (not the hat or gloves, just the coat. Idk what I want to do about a hat and gloves yet, but when I get some, I'll prolly also get my own scarf!).
It is so beautiful here, and Fall has seriously taken on an entirely more literal meaning for me now. Every day now, leaves fall from all of the trees at an almost constant rate, and it sometimes looks like it's raining leaves! Sadly, I haven't been able to get a picture of it yet (maybe later). I have seriously learn

I think that's about all the news from Lake Woe-be-gone--Oops, I mean Yaroslavl. ;D I'd like to really quick make a shout out to the noisy pipes in Glendale, you guys are nonexistant compared to the pipes here which you can here from three stories down they are so loud. ;D
Love everyone, and miss you!
omg bettina i feel soooo stupid okay so i have been checking your blog alll the time and all i saw was the first post you made and i was like why isn't betting writing in her blog. today after 4 months of checking ur blog i scrolled down and found the button that said newer posts -____-. all this time i have been waiting for you to post something seeing the background change but no new posts and this whole time the button has been right down at the bottom..... i am soo mad at myself i feel like a complete idiot! ahhh anyways i miss you !!! and now i can finally read ur blogs lol
ReplyDeleteHahaha!! Thank you Jessica, you're awesome. ;DDD